Rumble For The Ring – AAU Circuit Spring Session III

May 30th - June 1st, 2025 Executive Education 555 Union Boulevard Allentown PA 18109

event overview

NEW Rumble for the Ring (1)

As part of the newly formed Mid-Atlantic AAU Circuit!

Dates: May 30th – June 1st
Divisions:  Boys & Girls 10u – 17u
Locations: Executive Education 555 Union Boulevard Allentown PA 18109




All athletes and coaches participating in AAUCIRCUIT.COM must have active 2025 AAU memberships. Register online



10U Division- 2 (20 Minute Running Halves)

11U Division- 2 (20 Minute Running Halves)

12U Division- 2 20 Minute Stop Clock Halves)

13U Division- 2 (20 Minute Stop Clock Halves)

14U Division- 2 (14 Minute Stop Clock Halves)

15U Division- 2 (14 Minute Stop Clock Halves)

16U Division- 2 (14 Minute Stop Clock Halves)

17U Division- 2 (14 Minute Stop Clock Halves)

Foul Out- 6 Fouls

1-1  Bonus- 10 Fouls

Double Bonus- 13 Fouls

  • Mercy Rule:If a team is ahead by 20 points or more with 2 minutes remaining in the contest the game will be called at that point. The team ahead by 20 will be awarded the victory.
  • Running Clock:If a team is up by 20 or more with 12 minutes remaining in the contest the clock will continue to run. Only during timeouts, the clock will stop and if the losing team cuts the deficit to under a 10-point lead.
  • Time Outs:There will two full timeouts a half (4 per game) for each team. No carry over and no 30 seconds time outs.
  • Birth Certificates:All teams must have birth certificates and report cards for each player on their roster in case of a challenge. AAU Rules are enforced in terms of age and grade.
  • Challenges:Must be made before the game and will cost the challenging team $250.
  • Tie Breaker Criteria(In Order):
  1. Won-Loss Record
  2. Head to Head Competition
  3. Point System (Margin of Victory) - Any team winning by more than 15 points will only be rewarded 15 points for the victory. So if you win by 20 points you still will be rewarded only 15 points.
  1. Least Amount of Points allowed in Pool Play
  2. Coin Flip
  • Home teams will set to the left of the score table.
  • Home teams will wear like color jersey and provide the game ball.
  • Each team will provide a SCOREKEEPER and the home team will be the official scorekeeper and will set to the right at the score table.
  • Teams MUST provide their own balls.


  • 6th Grade and older pressing will be allowed at all times unless the lead exceeds 20.
  • 4th/5th Grade- Pressing is allowed until the pressing team is ahead by 15 points.
  • Each team will ONLY be given TWO coach passes. They must be presented at time of entry and will be stamped. If a badge is lost the daily fee will be applied. NO EXCEPTIONS.  It is the Coach’s responsibility to monitor the use of these passes. 
  • All teams MUST arrive together (Coaches, and players) 30 minutes before your first game on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 15 minutes before all other games. Teams will enter the building first with coaches. 
  • After completion of first game and each game thereafter; teams must check in with the Court Supervisor.
  • At the end of each game coach must report to the court supervisor to receive assignment of next game time and location. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Each Coach will be given passes for players and MUST be presented to enter the gym each time. PLAYERS MUST HAVE THIER UNIFORM ON TO GAIN ENTRY INTO THE FACILITY. Coaches are responsible for monitoring the players’ passes. If lost the daily fee will be applied.

 Refunds: There will be no refunds for any team pulling out of this event. ·

The AAUCIRCIUIT.COM circuit will cater to AAU clubs of all levels. Based on team performance throughout the spring circuit teams will qualify for AAUCIRCIUIT.COM  Championship weekend. AAUCIRCIUIT.COM Championship weekend.


An athlete can be no older than 9 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 10 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 11 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 12 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 13 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 14 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 15 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 16 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 17 on August 31, 2025.


An athlete can be no older than 19 on August 31, 2025.

A maximum of twelve (12) athletes are allowed on a team roster. All athletes and non-athletes on the roster must be registered AAU Members in the current year. has a strict no fighting policy. Any athlete, coach, or fan caught fighting or participating in a physical altercation during will automatically be suspended and/or removed from the premises for the remainder of the weekend of play. Further sanctions may be assessed to the athlete or coach at the discretion of the

Any athlete or coach who receives two (2) technical’ s during a game will automatically be suspended for their next game of play. If two (2) technical’ s are assessed to an athlete or coach during the last game of a weekend, that athlete or coach will be suspended for their first game the following weekend of play.

Protest of an Official’s judgment call will call will not be honored under any circumstance.

Proof of eligibility must be available for review, by an AAU designee at all AAU licensed competitions. If the documents are not available, the team is subject to removal from the competition. Acceptable documents include any of the following:

  • An unexpired Passport
  • Department of Motor Vehicles I.D. card issued within three (3) years
  • Military Dependent I.D.
  • A certificate of live birth with a raised seal, along with a school issued picture I.D.

Players' jerseys must have numbers on both the front and back, numbers can be 00-99. Minimum size of numbers shall be 2" on the front and 4" on the back. Teams competing must have LIGHT and DARK jerseys. The “Home” team wears Light jerseys and “Visiting” team wears Dark jerseys. The top/left team on the schedule shall be the home team and sit on the scorekeepers’ left. The bottom/right team on the schedule shall be the visiting team and sit on the scorekeepers’ right.  Violation of this rule shall be penalized by a two (2) shot administrative technical foul for each illegal jersey.  The penalty will be assessed at the time the player with the illegal jersey enters the game.

Two certified officials will officiate every game.

12U competition will use 28.5 size basketballs and 13U & 14U competition will use 29.5 size basketballs.

Due to the size of this event, seeding for the finals will be based purely on win and loss records during the spring circuit events.